Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

I'd like to share with you the newest and biggest change to this blog...
the one that is closest to my heart. 

The Lord has been impressing on my heart for many months now, both the abundant life I am living and 
the bleak future of enslaved children around the world. 
Children who are forced to work long hours in horrific conditions. 
Children who have their innocence stripped from them as they are sold into sexual slavery. 
Children who have known more evil in a day than most of us will ever experience in our entire lives.

The ones who should be kicking a ball, dressing up a doll, playing house...just brightening the world with
their sweet smiles, 
these are the ones who suffer daily. 

Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. 

I mentioned yesterday that during my break from blogging, I was seeking out what it was that
God would use this blog to accomplish...for His glory and for the benefit of others. 
As thoughts of little children trapped in brothels or living on the streets around the world weighed heavy on my mind and heart, I felt the Lord leading me to act. 
Though I'm stepping back from the "rat-race" of blogging for now, 
my purpose has changed and I am more inspired and encouraged than ever before!

"Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
whose hope is in the Lord His God, 
Who made heaven and earth,
the seas, and all that is in them;
Who keeps truth forever,
Who executes justice for the oppressed 
Who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners."
Psalm 146:5-7

My goal for the coming year is to begin supporting ministries that fight for justice and freedom for
those affected by human trafficking.
Here are some ways that you can become involved too...

Ask God to show you what you can do...and pray for those who are living in forced labor, sexual slavery, and who are being dealt with unjustly in their homelands.
Educate Yourself!
There are piles of information available concerning the realities of human trafficking. Sometimes it's really hard to read about...but seek to have a compassionate heart and become aware of the very real needs of others. 
Give Support!
By giving financially to missions and organizations who seek justice and restoration for the victims of human trafficking, you can be involved! Don't think that because you're not able to travel the world or kick down a brothel door, that there's nothing you can do...
support an orphan, buy items that do not come from places that use children for forced labor,
give a monthly gift either individually or find a group of people to share the joy of giving with!

Will you join me today in praying passionately 
for the end of human trafficking?

We are called in the book of Micah to
love mercy
do justly
walk humbly...
God can do such seemingly impossible things, my friends!

Please check out these organizations and seek how God would have you be involved!


Holly said...

Amen, Maureen!!

Ashley said...

I usually shy away from reading things like this because it affects me so greatly. I didn't today and I am glad. It made me cry but it also inspired me too.

Mama K said...

Thank you for the links.