Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So Long, Summer

Holland, Michigan 2011

The weatherman says there's frost on the way... Blake and I put on jeans and long sleeve-shirts today and it's a little bit sad to me. I know I've said this before but I'm not a hot weather girl...I really love the way fall romances my senses with it's bright colored leaves, cool air, caramel apples and pumpkins. 

But there's a little part of me that is sad to see summer go. 

Mostly because our summer's are usually filled with trips to the Lake Michigan shore, visits from my out-of-state sisters and their families, picnics, and just a whole lot of togetherness! Fall comes around and we all kind of settle into the new routines and busy schedules
...there's not as much freedom to play.  

But we made one last trip to Holland State Park, just in time to catch the sunset, play some football....and get our legs sandblasted by the wind whipped sand! 
(I was hoping I wouldn't have to shave ever again....not so lucky, wink*)

So long summer, I'll miss your warm sunshine, your bright blue skies, your sandy beaches and crashing waves... I'll miss the watermelon, the hamburgers, the smores. I'll miss the ice cream coated grins of sweet little boys and a pretty little girl...

See you next year's time to say

**Hello Fall**


Anonymous said...

Fun pictures! Looks like you had a great last summer "fling". I love Fall! I will also miss Summer tho, Zach is a HUGE Summer fan. I enjoy reading your Blog!

Maureen Polderman said...

Thanks Patti!! You are too sweet <3